
The Last Midnight

Book ∙ Paranormal Romance ∙ 2020

A lonely girl who never found love in life can find no peace in death...

A beloved rockstar who never knew the meaning of love encounters her ghost...

Their hearts meet at midnight.

The Last Midnight shares the brief romantic interlude between rockstar Dixon Day and his most devoted fangirl Emily Dunkel, who died in a car crash while driving home from his concert. In death Emily finds herself walking toward the fabled bright light at the end of the tunnel of her afterlife, but she is never quite able to reach it. Her soul will never know peace until she finds the true love she never experienced while living. Will she finally find it in the embrace of the larger-than-life Dixon Day? And will he, who is damaged and jaded in matters of the heart, be able to discover true love with Emily's ghost?

The Last Midnight is a contemporary yet timeless paranormal romance.

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