
Emotional Resilience and the Expat Child: Practical Storytelling Techniques That Will Strengthen The Global Family

Book ∙ Social Science ∙ 2014

The only thing you can be sure you can move around the world is your child's ability to increase his or her interpersonal skills. In today's global world, each of us is searching for effective tools that can help our children to thrive. Emotional Resilience for the Expat Child provides a step-by-step guide that is designed to increase a child's emotional vocabulary and emotional intelligence. Doing this will enable your child to achieve his or her fullest potential. The bond between an adult and child is key to the psychological health of the child. For the expatriate child, this bond is more vital than ever. This workbook has been created for you to use together and will provide the perfect place to connect for you and your family. With easily understood and practical steps any parent can apply, you can start to create and enjoy your family's 'emotion stories'. This book will help you to develop the mutually respectful and loving relationships with your kids that you've always wanted. Working on these 'emotion stories', all children can develop a strong sense of personal narrative; they will find their own 'voice' and in so doing will grow into confident, happy teenagers. When a child feels happy and confident, he will be more likely to construct and communicate his emotions. The richer his vocabulary is in emotions, the more competent and powerful he will be in reflecting on his behavior and how his actions and interactions are intertwined. Well-written in an engaging, conversational tone, this book is sensible, straightforward and based on the experiences of expat families. It will give your child what he or she needs to understand and express today in order to grow into a caring, emotional intelligent adult tomorrow.

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