
The Adventures of Squiggle T. Buglet in The Musical Forest

Audiobook ∙ Kids & Young Adults ∙ 2021

Join Squiggle T. Buglet on this brilliant Audio Adventure as she adventures through the Musical Forest, learning Music Words and music fundamentals from her teacher friends!

“The 21st Century Peter and the Wolf!”

Young people are introduced to music concepts; Rhythm, Melody, Harmony and The Families of Instruments - in the context of the brilliant storytelling and music of accomplished composer, author and educator, Doctor Christopher Kaufman.

From each teacher Squiggle earns a Seed Pod representing each music fundamental. She is gathering these seed pods with the goal of bringing them to The Mysterious Cave of Doctor Soundartus to make music on his Magic Music Wall. She does so in the beautiful and exciting climax of the Story when she plays the giant music wall like a vast musical instrument.

Along the way she meets up with Little Troll, who quizzes her on what she has learned so she can cross the bridge to the next part of the forest. When Squiggle is ready to go to Doctor Soundartus’s mysterious cave, she invites Little Troll to join her! At the end they part as great friends.

Enjoy this terrific imaginative adventure and share the benefits of music and friendship with your young people! The greatest benefits are gleaned from hearing the story and music itself!

Joe Carrol, Emmy award winning composer who worked with Jim Henson on Sesame Street: “Christopher Kaufman’s The Musical Forest, builds on the tradition of Stravinsky’s ‘L’histoire du Soldat’ and Prokofiev’s ‘Peter and the Wolf’, creating a unique performance work that entertains and educates in an original work of art.”

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