Dyrk dit Potentiale
Podcast ∙ Self-Improvement ∙ 2024
Bliv inspireret til at udleve dit Potentiale som CEO, Leder eller Selvstændig.
Podcasten deler teknikker til fokus, målsætning, selvdisciplin og personlig vækst.
Hver episode har et klart et afgrænset emne og er korte, så du nemt kan holde fokus på den givne læring.
Nogle episoder er interviews med succesfulde erhvervsledere eller fagfolk, der deler deres indsigt.
Andre er soloepisoder med Miriam Sommer om branding, markedsføring og trivsel som selvstændig.
Lær mere på https://miriamsommer.dk/webbureau/
Affiliate Token:
Affiliate Campaign Name:
Optional to segment marketing (email, social, etc). Cannot be used to track individual clicks or contain any personal identifiable information. Can contain up to 40 characters. Avoid using ?, /, or & within this field.
Optional to segment marketing (email, social, etc). Cannot be used to track individual clicks or contain any personal identifiable information. Can contain up to 40 characters. Avoid using ?, /, or & within this field.
ITSCG Token:
ITSCG parameter is a group-level token for the Apple Services Performance Partners Program. This value can never be changed and must always remain the same in your affiliate links.
ITSCG parameter is a group-level token for the Apple Services Performance Partners Program. This value can never be changed and must always remain the same in your affiliate links.
ITSCT Token:
The ITSCT parameter is a partner-level token for the Apple Services Performance Partners Program. This value is static and should not be changed unless you are a partner who has been provided your own distinct token. If so, you may override the default ITSCT value with your own assigned value.
The ITSCT parameter is a partner-level token for the Apple Services Performance Partners Program. This value is static and should not be changed unless you are a partner who has been provided your own distinct token. If so, you may override the default ITSCT value with your own assigned value.
Content Link
Short Link
Asset Generator
Podcast Player
The player is responsive. Its width will automatically expand to fit mobile and desktop layouts
The player is responsive. Its width will automatically expand to fit mobile and desktop layouts