
"Help: my team doesn't feel connected any more"

Podcast Episode ∙ Management ∙ 2024 ∙ 44 minutes

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How can any of us build a more effective team?
Owen Eastwood is one of the world’s most in demand performance coaches, with a focus on team culture & leading. Owen has worked with some of the most successful sporting sides in the world. He also works with corporate teams wrestling with similar themes.
Last year I talked to Owen about his work on belonging and identity but I wanted to pick his brains on the biggest challenge for modern leaders - how to build a stronger team.
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Owen talks me through his step-by-step approach to building better teams - starting with the toughest starter question that most teams never tackle.
Determine whether a team is necessary for the desired outcomeClearly define roles and expectations within the teamRecruit talented individuals who can contribute to the team's successEstablish effective communication channels within the teamConsider the challenges of being part of multiple teams in the corporate world Individuals have a choice in shaping the team's identity and should be selfless and committed to the team's purpose and desired outcome.A high-performing team is one where individuals consistently perform at their best and have a culture of excellence.The environment plays a crucial role in enabling or disabling team success, and teams should create an environment that fosters innovation and energizes individuals.Teams should regularly reflect on their environment and identify and eliminate factors that hinder performance.
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