
Presence: Fish! Time to revisit a culture classic?

Podcast Episode ∙ Management ∙ 2024 ∙ 25 minutes, 24 seconds

This episode is part of the Presence project: Presence: Fixing culture starts with your calendar, not your office
In the 2000s a book called Fish! A remarkable way to boost morale and improve results became a bestseller. A small book, it was often used by companies accompanying a video of the same name. Together the two told a story of the culture of the fish market in Seattle, a noisy, bombastic place, but a place that was filled with joy. I first encountered Fish when a firm came to pitch to me when I was working in publishing. They told me that their culture was Fish. 
There are a few things that stood out from it. The idea of intentionally designing culture isn’t new but this seemed to be explicitly linking culture, emotion and mood. 
There were 4 principles of Fish
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