
Seth Godin can make *YOU* creative

Podcast Episode ∙ Management ∙ 2020 ∙ 42 minutes, 46 seconds

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Seth Godin has cracked the secret of how to make you more creative. And the good news is that everyone can do it. He was so dogged by his need to share this that he has turned it into a book, The Practice. We talk about the simple way to unlock creativity and ask why schools don't teach this. At the end Seth gives his recommendations of the best things you should be reading (linked below)
Seth's blog
My previous interview with Seth - How you can reinvent your company culture
Seth's recommendations:
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Zander and Benjamin Zander
Just Kids (audiobook) by Patti Smith
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Akimbo courses
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