
Přemysl Vojta

Artist ∙ Classical

Horn player Přemysl Vojta has been active as a performer and educator in Western Europe as well as in his native Czech Republic. He is an enthusiastic chamber music player with a list of well-known collaborators. While still in school, Vojta had already begun his professional career, landing a position as principal hornist with the Konzerthaus Orchestra in Berlin. He released his debut album in 2005, joining the Pražák Quartet for an album of chamber music by Krzysztof Penderecki. In 2015, Vojta joined the WDR Symphony Orchestra in Cologne, Germany, as principal hornist. He continued to hold that position as of the mid-2020s while amassing a strong record as a solo player. In 2023, Vojta joined pianist Florence Millet and violinist Ye Wu on the album Modern Horn Trios, and the same trio returned the following year on the album John Cage: Music for Three.

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