
Anna Malikova

Artist ∙ Classical

Uzbek-born pianist Anna Malikova is best known for her interpretations of music by Chopin. She has performed and recorded both concertos, the complete etudes, preludes, and impromptus, and numerous individual solo works. But Malikova is hardly a specialist: she plays a wide range of compositions, taking in large segments of the outputs of J.S. Bach, Soler, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Liszt, Saint-Saëns, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, and Shostakovich. She has toured extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America, and has performed with many of the world's leading ensembles, including the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and the major orchestras of Warsaw, Moscow, Sydney, Oslo, Tashkent, and others. Malikova also regularly performs chamber music and has made numerous recordings, many available from Classical Records, Audite, and Farao.
Anna Malikova was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on July 14, 1965. She studied piano at the Tashkent Conservatory Special Music School with Tamara Popovich. From 1979-1984 she studied at Moscow's Central Music School with Lev Naumov.
Malikova had further piano studies at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. While still a student there, she captured fifth prize at the 1990 Chopin Competition in Warsaw. Just before her 1991 graduation Malikova's first recording, a disc of Chopin works, was issued on the Universal Music & VI label. Malikova taught for one year at the Central Music School (1991-1992), and from 1992-1996 served as Naumov's assistant at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
Meanwhile, she also made headway in her concert career: from 1991 she gave recitals and appeared as soloist in Australia, the U.K., Poland, Germany, and other European countries. In 1993 Malikova won the prestigious ARD Competition in Munich.
With overnight fame, Malikova made concert tours to Brazil, China, and the Middle East. In 1994 she recorded the two Liszt concertos and Chopin Second Concerto, issued on an Amadis CD in 1997. In the new century Malikova's concert activities continued apace, despite added teaching duties at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, Germany (2002-2005). In 2005 Malikova made a series of acclaimed recordings for the Classical Records label, which included a CD of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet and other piano works.
More successful recordings followed, but Malikova's concert schedule also remained full with tours to China, Korea, and Poland in 2010. That same year the second and final CD in Malikova's highly praised traversal of the five Saint-Saëns piano concertos was issued on the Audite label.

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