
The Guide To A Happy Pet

Book ∙ Pets ∙ 2019

In this informative and easily accessible book, author Kelly O'Tillery brings into focus an important aspect of living with and loving a pet. Our pets are connected to us on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. For many of us, sharing our lives with a beloved pet enriches us on these levels as well. Our lives are intertwined in significant and important ways, and we influence and enhance each other's lives every day.

By approaching the bond with your pet in a very practical and time-honored way, you can create an Agreement and make both of you happier spending your lives together. Exploring this concept will bring you to an understanding of your own needs and hopes in connection to your pet, your ability to provide what the pet will need from you, and clarity about the amount of commitment you can bring to your relationship. Becoming aware of how important you and your pet are for each other
enhances and strengthens your bond with your pet.

"The Guide To A Happy Pet—Creating a Loving Bond" offers an essential tool for those of us who want to relate harmoniously with the animals we love. In this book, you will find specific information about the needs of a variety of types of animals and pets who share our lives, tips and examples to help you create your own Agreement with your pet. You'll read answers to some of the questions others have asked, and examples from the lives of people who have improved and deepened their relationships with their pets by following the advice and tips in this guidebook.

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