
Never Left Behind

Book ∙ LGBTQIA+ Romance ∙ 2019

Calvin Maxwell likes older men, and Turner Marsh is definitely the type of man he’s very much into.

Growing up with only his mother by his side, Calvin can’t help but be attracted toward men who are much older than him. His father abandoned him and his mother when he was only four years old, choosing to marry someone new, have kids with her, and refuse any contact with him whatsoever. It’s not strange he has abandonment issues now as an adult.

Turner has been single for nearly six years now. He was been dumped by his ex-boyfriend of almost twenty years because the man apparently needed someone fresh, someone more exciting. In other words, anyone but him.

The first time they meet, Turner is instantly attracted to Calvin and, fortunately, Calvin likes him, too. Then Turner gets the invitation to attend his ex-boyfriend’s wedding. He brings Calvin along, but doesn’t expect his ex-boyfriend to proposition his new boyfriend.

Emotions run high, threatening their new relationship. Can it survive?

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